Thursday, September 5, 2013

Moonrise Kingdom

Movie:  Moonrise Kingdom
Like/Don't Like:  Lovely

Dream job: be on Wes Anderson's design team - felt division. Just think of all the hours I could spend making little felt accessories for his movies.  Because there are always loads of them.

That's not the only reason why I loved this movie. Although it has a lot to do with it.  I just love his singular vision.  His characters have these crazy, quirky dreams that they just go for.  And they do it in style.  This time it's teenagers running away together and it's kind of magical what happens. It's a pretty simple story told in a very grand and precise way.  It's right up my alley.


Rach said...

I know it's been a very long time since you posted this, but I just wanted to agree that this movie was fantastic. So great.

Unknown said...

good post